
In order to use AvantFAX in your native language there must be a language file translated for that language. The following languages are currently available:

If you would like to translate one of those languages into your native language, please do so and send a copy to , and it will be included in the AvantFAX package once we've received your signed AvantFAX Project Submission Agreement.

Please submit the file encoded in UTF-8!

So, how do I make my own language file?

It's very simple to create your own translation file. The english translation file avantfax/includes/lang/en.php was used to create the Italian translation. All that is required is to substitute the words inside the quotation marks with the translated words.

Here's an example: avantfax/includes/langs/en.php

$LANG['ARCHIVE_FAX'] = "Move to Archive";
$LANG['DELETE_FAX'] = "Permanently delete";

Here is the Italian translation: avantfax/includes/langs/it.php

$LANG['ARCHIVE_FAX'] = "Spostare nell'Archivio";
$LANG['DELETE_FAX'] = "Emliminare per sempre";
